Most of the East Coast is bracing for Hurricane Irene, waiting to see when, where and how hard the hurricane will hit. Some of my friends who were coming to New York City for the weekend are reconsidering their plans. Especially in light of the news that the city is now preparing to shut down the transit system over the weekend, which will make it tough to get around. I normally would not consider preparing since we live in the middle of Manhattan, and how unlikely it is that we would need emergency food and water, but now that we have a child I am definitely more mindful of preparing for emergency situations. I was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow regardless, but will now make sure I have a few meals planned for us to eat in case we lose power. And we are considering filling up our water jug and water bottles on Saturday if the storm looks like it will be severe in our area. I’m sure these preparations will prove unnecessary but it certainly won’t hurt us.
On a less serious note, we are also preparing for a Hurricane Party with some friends nearby since we will be stuck inside for at least a day. So I will also be buying some wine and stocking up on ingredients to make homemade cookies. We are looking to find a series of movies or TV to watch over the course of the day too… Lord of the Rings and Star Wars are out (we have seen them too many times). Any suggestions?
All this hurricane anticipation in a week where much of the East Coast was also affected by an Earthquake! This is definitely an extraordinary week of sorts.
(wrote this last Thursday, going to have to get better at posting!)