Another summer gone by… Fall doesn’t officially start for a few more weeks, but in America summer feels like it ends September 1st , around the start of the new school year. I mourn the end of summer more than any other season perhaps because summer seems so special in this climate of longer winters and a shorter growing period. It is a limited time of enchantment filled with fireflies and fireworks, freckles and sundresses, outdoor concerts and sandals, fresh tomatoes and ice cream, the smell of cut grass and the ocean breeze...
This summer has been more extraordinary to me than any before it since the birth of my daughter, Fiona Marie, on May 10th. This summer was spent learning how to be a mother and admiring my beautiful daughter. Studying her cries and her smiles, her laughs and her smells. Oh, her intoxicating baby scent! This summer I learned how to wrap a baby, use a car seat, breastfeed. I spent hours every day strolling around Riverside Park and the Upper West Side. I am learning how to trust my instincts and make decisions as a mother. I grow more in love with her every day. Each day Patrick and I think it doesn’t get any better, and then it does. It’s so hard to believe. Such a gift this summer has been.