Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Home cooking slacker...

(This is an unpublished post from February 10th... Left unposted because I didn't have a quality photo...but I've decided to post it anyway...)

I have been completely slacking on my home cooking lately. Cooking is usually something that I love to do. I find it soothing and meditative. Sometimes I wonder if I find such joy in cooking in part because I live in New York City, and I don't HAVE to cook all the time in order to eat awesome food. But eating out can become tiresome too - even in New York City. Especially when you are trying to eat healthy food.

Earlier this winter I was successfully cooking a few times a week... This included making a big batch of some type of hearty soup on Sundays so I could freeze the leftovers. But the last few weeks my inspiration has stalled. It could be in part that all traces of my local farmer's market have faded. My onions have been used up in the hearty soups and my frozen butternut squash has been consumed. All the produce now for sale in most of my local shops has been delivered to the city by airplane from thousands of miles away. The only open farmer's markets in the city are fairly inconvenient to my apartment.

These are the times when I wish I had a home on a small farm somewhere, perhaps in an appalachian hollow, where I could have a garden, and maybe some chickens and this time of year I would be savoring the labor of my harvest in the form of the basil pesto I froze last summer a la Barbara Kingsolver.

Snow Joy!!

Snow is here...finally!! 12-16 inches is predicted. We have about 7 so far... And my office closed at noon. Snow Day!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Envy...

We were completely skipped over by the winter storm that hit the East. Not a flake of snow or even a drop of rain has been sighted out my window. Even Staten Island received a significant amount of snow, but it did not seem to make it across the Harbor to Manhattan.

Wide Open Spaces

Welcome! This is my first post on my new blog, Green Shoots & Sparks. I am not setting any restrictions on content since this is an idea blog - a space to record ideas, thoughts and display images that inspire. The sky is the limit. I took this picture 10,500 feet up in the Rocky Mountains on my Honeymoon. The world was wide open that day.