Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Field trip to the Fabulous Fish's Eddy (plus a New York City Challenge update)

Broadway, facing North from Union Square. 

So, after, say about 2 months or so of failing my New York City Challenge, it is with new vigor and motivation that I am rededicating myself to this challenge.  The last month and a half has been a whirl, packed with a wedding, a trip to Chicago, a bachelorette party in Las Vegas, Fiona's birthday and party, and a visit from Patrick's parents.  I'm cutting myself some slack.  Really, don't you think I should? Or are my excuses starting to ring hollow? I'm really hoping I can keep up with the challenge for the next month, since we don't have any travel plans until July (with the exception of one trip to New Jersey for a wedding), and with the realization that we really will probably be leaving the city in just a few months (gulp!!!).  

Facing North on Broadway from 19th street. 

Ok, enough with the excuses.  Onto meet the challenge!!

Fish's Eddy...a dishware store (and more!) located in this lovely old building located at 889 Broadway at 19th street.  It offers lots of basic utilitarian products with hefty dose of joy!  It's just a super fun store to visit...think major eye candy. 

Wedding dress made out of spoons...!

 Kitchen tools.
Flatware on the cheap.

But what you are really here for are the dishes...

And the fabulous glassware...Party Glasses!

What a great gift idea! 

However, it's their coffee mugs I always leave with.  Their coffee mugs all have major heft, just as I think a good coffee mug should.  They feel solid and sturdy in your hand, which is a reassuring after waking up after too few hours of sleep because of a late night or an early morning baby (ha!).  This coffee mug I truly couldn't resist...

This mug is part of their 'Intervention-ware'.  Borderline mean perhaps?  But hey, mornings are rough sometimes.

Yay for Fish's Eddy!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Guess who turned 1 this month??

Fiona, that's who!  And boy have we celebrated.  We had a family party on her actual birthday, and then a picnic in the park with friends (hers and ours) the following weekend.  One year!  I really can't believe how far she has come over the last year.  She is now walking across the living room (she is still not quite confident to walk around on her own too much outside our home yet, which is actually ok with Mom for now).   Saying a few words, using baby sign, and eating practically everything we eat.  A year ago, while in the throes of new parenthood, it would have been hard to imagine any of those things would happen so soon!

Fiona has learned a lot about celebrating birthdays over the last month too.  Fiona has learned that cupcakes are awesome, even though her first encounter with one made her cry...(she burst out in tears after we lit the candle on top of her cupcake and sang her happy birthday!).

That turning 1 means lots of presents and singing cards (Fiona received 2 Winnie-the-Pooh singing birthday cards, one from Patrick's parents, and one from my grandparents, and they were by far the most favorite things she received for her birthday and would play them all day long if we let her).

That balloons are fun, but birthday picnics in Central Park are even more fun!  Fiona partied like a little rockstar in the park all afternoon, and even skipped her nap. 

We love you Fiona!!! Happy birthday to our little sweet pea!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer Nursing Style, Pretty in Pink...

How cute would this summer outfit by Madewell be for a nursing mom?!  Love the pink on pink with the bright gauzy button down popover shirt and the cute chambray shorts.  You might see me wearing this sometime soon...I'm just saying...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Last Weekend, Battery Park City...

Last weekend, Fiona and I attended a daytime farewell party for my friends Maddy and Torah, and their brand new baby August at their apartment in Battery Park City.   They are moving to Arizona from NYC.  (We will miss you guys!!)  

The weather that day was PERFECT and it was fun being so far downtown since I rarely make it down there.  So I decided to take a quick walk in the park after we left before we came up town.  The parks and playgrounds down there are new and stunning and I can see why people with kids end up there.  There are TONS of kids and families down there.  But it was the breathtaking view of the harbor and the Statue of Liberty, along with the sailboats that felled me.  I took these pictures but I don't think it does the scene justice.

There are also stunning views from Battery Park City of the Freedom Tower in progress, which recently surpassed the Empire State Building to be the tallest building in the city.  Woohoo!!  I think it's pretty amazing that since Sept. 11th the tallest building in this city was built in the 1930s!  A testament to the ambition and talent of those that built the Empire State Building, I believe.

And I also took a picture of this pedestrian bridge that connects the lower part of Battery Park City with the rest of downtown.  I think all the angles make this an interesting bridge.

Man, I'm going to miss this place if we have to leave!  

Friday, May 18, 2012

Salt Water Sandals

I just want to say that I think I want every color available of these adorable sandals for both Fiona and myself.  For $35?  That's not that crazy of a dream! Love these!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Vegas, (without) Baby!

I just got back from my sister's bachelorette party in Las Vegas!  We stayed at the lovely Wynn Hotel and Casino.  The service, food and amenities were really above and beyond every other place I have been to in Vegas.  The decor is completely classy, but also whimsical and fun.  I think I may have had the best Pan au Chocolat that I have had in a very very long time - from the basic casino Cafe!  And by far the best Yogurt Parfait.  The Buffet was fantastic too.  I would love to go back and try their nicer restaurants.  

This was my first weekend away from Fiona too, and I'm so glad I went.  Although still a bit tired from all the fun I really feel mentally refreshed.  I think an annual girls weekend will now be a requirement for me!   However, I would love to go back to the Wynn with Patrick for a romantic weekend away.  The pictures I have posted above are of the pool, which was absolutely beautiful.  So you can imagine what the rest of the hotel/casino looked like!  The pool, and much of the hotel, had an extremely fancy Alice & Wonderland feel.  What a perfect Vegas theme, don't you think?

We visited the XS club during the night on Friday, and went to the Encore Beach Club Pool Party on Saturday.  The pool party was ridiculously fun. I have to say I was somewhat skeptical at first as to why we were at a pool 'club' and not the absolutely gorgeous Wynn pool, but by the end of the afternoon I was a complete pool party convert.