Last week was gorgeous weather-wise here in New York City. Fiona and I were out and about prowling the streets of Manhattan Valley quite a bit. As part of 'Documenting the end?' I took some pictures of our neighborhood while we were out and about. The one above is of West End Avenue looking downtown from the low 100s. I love looking down the avenues of Manhattan. It gives you such an overwhelming sense of the scale of the city, both vertically and horizontally.
Classy right? Posing Fiona in front of an NYC garbage can and the Village Voice newspaper box. But I want to remember the little things that we see everyday as well as the big things!
This fabulous townhouse is right nearby our apartment building. I love the bones of this house, and the color adds something extra special to the house and the street.
West End Avenue again, this time at dusk...
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