Monday, May 28, 2012

Guess who turned 1 this month??

Fiona, that's who!  And boy have we celebrated.  We had a family party on her actual birthday, and then a picnic in the park with friends (hers and ours) the following weekend.  One year!  I really can't believe how far she has come over the last year.  She is now walking across the living room (she is still not quite confident to walk around on her own too much outside our home yet, which is actually ok with Mom for now).   Saying a few words, using baby sign, and eating practically everything we eat.  A year ago, while in the throes of new parenthood, it would have been hard to imagine any of those things would happen so soon!

Fiona has learned a lot about celebrating birthdays over the last month too.  Fiona has learned that cupcakes are awesome, even though her first encounter with one made her cry...(she burst out in tears after we lit the candle on top of her cupcake and sang her happy birthday!).

That turning 1 means lots of presents and singing cards (Fiona received 2 Winnie-the-Pooh singing birthday cards, one from Patrick's parents, and one from my grandparents, and they were by far the most favorite things she received for her birthday and would play them all day long if we let her).

That balloons are fun, but birthday picnics in Central Park are even more fun!  Fiona partied like a little rockstar in the park all afternoon, and even skipped her nap. 

We love you Fiona!!! Happy birthday to our little sweet pea!

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